About Us

Here at TheSaunaExperts.com, we want to make sure that our readers have access to unbiased and honest reviews of the best saunas. We have thoroughly researched and compiled a list of the best saunas on the market today. We have been very selective in our choices to determine the industry's top at-home saunas. 

Our Commitment to You

Honest and unbiased reviews, Guaranteed! Each product that we reviewed had to meet our strict criteria to be considered and included on our list. Not only did a sauna need to be well made, many other factors such as customer service, money-back guarantees, and price were determining factors as well. Try any sauna on the list; if there is any reason for you to think that our reviews were incorrect, simply contact us and voice your opinions. We are committed to explaining our reviews with full transparency and correcting them if we find inaccurate information.

Every product is scrutinized! With hundreds of saunas to choose from, picking the right one for you can be difficult. Our team of specialists consists of physical therapists, designers, quality inspectors, and engineers that have put their collective hands on each of the products to get the most thorough reviews possible. All opinions were distilled into criteria that are summed up using easy-to-understand categories.

1. General Rating
2. Engineering and Design
3. Innovations, Safety, and Quality
4. Beneficial Features
5. Customer Reviews
6. Ease of Use / Installation
7. Customer Service
8. Price

We are here to help! Please don't hesitate to contact us to help you make the right decision when buying a sauna.